Run Rubocop with Docker. Fast solution

You need to run rubocop linter on your CI with Docker.
You can create your own Dockerfile and use it on CI.
I use the fast solution sometimes.
Here it is
I’ve found this repo cagedata/docker-rubocop. It provides easy way to run rubocop with another docker container.
Unfortunately, for now it does not support actual versions of Ruby.
My fork kalashnikovisme/docker-rubocop provides all actual Ruby versions. Also I’ve built images for all those versions.
And now you can run rubocop just like this:
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/app" kalashnikovisme/docker-rubocop:ruby-3.0.0
Of course you can use another ruby version, just replace it in tagname. You can find the list of supported ruby versions here.
Example of Gitlab CI configuration to run linter: