How to use best HTML abstraction markup language (Haml) easy

Haml is my favorite tool to create HTML.
It accelerates and simplifies template creation down to veritable haiku.
%h1= post.title
%h2= post.subtitle
= post.content
I prefer Haml rather than Slim because of its consistency. During more than 10 years of coding I’ve never met any case which Haml couldn’t solve elegant.
But there is just one thing. The main implementation of Haml is in Ruby, that’s why you must install it to use Haml.
I’ve created easy-to-use docker-image for Haml. It’s here.
Just pull image to your local environment
docker pull kalashnikovisme/haml-docker
and then run it
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/app" kalashnikovisme/haml-docker /app/YOUR_FILE.haml
You can find documentation at this Github repo.